X. Angela Yao
Cited by
Cited by
Location-based services and GIS in perspective
B Jiang, X Yao
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 30 (6), 712-725, 2006
Effect of urban green patterns on surface urban cool islands and its seasonal variations
A Chen, XA Yao, R Sun, L Chen
Urban forestry & urban greening 13 (4), 646-654, 2014
GIS-based biomass assessment and supply logistics system for a sustainable biorefinery: A case study with cotton stalks in the Southeastern US
K Sahoo, GL Hawkins, XA Yao, K Samples, S Mani
Applied Energy 182, 260-273, 2016
Geospatial analysis and modelling of urban structure and dynamics
B Jiang, X Yao
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
How Far Is Too Far?–A Statistical Approach to Context‐contingent Proximity Modeling
X Yao, JC Thill
Transactions in GIS 9 (2), 157-178, 2005
Research issues in spatio-temporal data mining
X Yao
Workshop on geospatial visualization and knowledge discovery, University …, 2003
Analytics of location-based big data for smart cities: Opportunities, challenges, and future directions
H Huang, XA Yao, JM Krisp, B Jiang
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 90, 101712, 2021
Where are public transit needed–Examining potential demand for public transit for commuting trips
X Yao
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 31 (5), 535-550, 2007
Analysis of spatial and seasonal distributions of air pollutants by incorporating urban morphological characteristics
Y Tian, X Yao, L Chen
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 75, 35-48, 2019
Geospatial indicators of exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity to assess neighbourhood variation in vulnerability to climate change-related health hazards
J Yu, K Castellani, K Forysinski, P Gustafson, J Lu, E Peterson, M Tran, ...
Environmental health 20, 1-20, 2021
Spatial queries with qualitative locations in spatial information systems
X Yao, JC Thill
Computers, environment and urban systems 30 (4), 485-502, 2006
Pycnophylactic interpolation revisited: integration with the dasymetric-mapping method
H Kim, X Yao
International Journal of Remote Sensing 31 (21), 5657-5671, 2010
Can we forecast presidential election using twitter data? an integrative modelling approach
R Liu, X Yao, C Guo, X Wei
Annals of GIS 27 (1), 43-56, 2021
Urban-rural disparities in treatment outcomes among recurrent TB cases in Southern Province, Zambia
Mutembo,S., J.Mutanga, K. Musokotwane, C. Kanene, K. Dobbin, X. Yao, C. Li ...
BMC Infectious Diseases 19, 2019
AD-AutoGPT: An Autonomous GPT for Alzheimer's Disease Infodemiology
H Dai, Y Li, Z Liu, L Zhao, Z Wu, S Song, Y Shen, D Zhu, X Li, S Li, X Yao, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.10095, 2023
Visualization of qualitative locations in geographic information systems
X Yao, B Jiang
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 32 (4), 219-229, 2005
Geospatial analysis and modeling of urban structure and dynamics: An overview
B Jiang, X Yao
Geospatial analysis and modelling of urban structure and dynamics, 3-11, 2010
Neurofuzzy modeling of context–contingent proximity relations
X Yao, JC Thill
Geographical analysis 39 (2), 169-194, 2007
X Yao
International Encyclopedia of Human Geography 1, 458-465, 2009
Integrating meteorological factors for better understanding of the urban form-air quality relationship
Y Tian, XA Yao, L Mu, Q Fan, Y Liu
Landscape Ecology 35, 2357-2373, 2020
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Articles 1–20