Ridha Khedri
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Cited by
Introduction to the special section: convergence of automation technology, biomedical engineering, and health informatics toward the healthcare 4.0
Z Pang, G Yang, R Khedri, YT Zhang
IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 11, 249-259, 2018
A wearable tele-health system towards monitoring COVID-19 and chronic diseases
W Jiang, S Majumder, S Kumar, S Subramaniam, X Li, R Khedri, ...
IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering 15, 61-84, 2021
On a formal semantics of tabular expressions
R Janicki, R Khedri
Science of Computer Programming 39 (2-3), 189-213, 2001
Feature algebra
P Höfner, R Khedri, B Möller
International Symposium on Formal Methods, 300-315, 2006
An algebra of product families
P Höfner, R Khedri, B Möller
Software & Systems Modeling 10, 161-182, 2011
Modeling and verification of cryptographic protocols using coloured Petri nets and design/CPN
I Al-Azzoni, DG Down, R Khedri
Nordic Journal of Computing 12 (3), 200--228, 2005
A formal approach to network segmentation
N Mhaskar, M Alabbad, R Khedri
Computers & Security 103, 102162, 2021
Integration of sequential scenarios
J Desharnais, M Frappier, R Khédri, A Mili
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 24 (9), 695-708, 1998
Requirements analysis for engineering computation: A systematic approach for improving reliability
S Smith, L Lai, R Khedri
Reliable Computing 13 (1), 83-107, 2007
A multidimensional approach towards a quantitative assessment of security threats
M Jouini, LBA Rabai, R Khedri
Procedia Computer Science 52, 507-514, 2015
Exploring covert channels
J Jaskolka, R Khedri
2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-10, 2011
Integration of Sequential Scenarios
A Desharnais, Jules & Frappier, Marc & Khedri, Ridha & Mili
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 22, 310-326, 1997
Supplementing Product Families with Behaviour
P Höfner, B Möller, R Khedri
Algebraic view reconciliation
P Höfner, R Khedri, B Möller
2008 Sixth IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal …, 2008
Verification of information flow in agent-based systems
KE Sabri, R Khedri, J Jaskolka
E-Technologies: Innovation in an Open World: 4th International Conference …, 2009
A quantitative assessment of security risks based on a multifaceted classification approach
M Jouini, L Ben Arfa Rabai, R Khedri
International Journal of Information Security 20 (4), 493-510, 2021
An algebraic approach towards data cleaning
R Khedri, F Chiang, KE Sabri
Procedia Computer Science 21, 50-59, 2013
Endowing concurrent Kleene algebra with communication actions
J Jaskolka, R Khedri, Q Zhang
Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science: 14th International …, 2014
On the necessary conditions for covert channel existence: A state-of-the-art survey
J Jaskolka, R Khedri, Q Zhang
Procedia Computer Science 10, 458-465, 2012
Towards a uniform relational semantics for tabular expressions.
J Desharnais, R Khédri, A Mili
RelMiCS, 53-57, 1998
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Articles 1–20