Athos Antoniades
Athos Antoniades
Stremble Ventures LTD
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Genome-wide association and meta-analysis of bipolar disorder in individuals of European ancestry
LJ Scott, P Muglia, XQ Kong, W Guan, M Flickinger, R Upmanyu, F Tozzi, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (18), 7501-7506, 2009
Genome-wide association study of recurrent major depressive disorder in two European case–control cohorts
P Muglia, F Tozzi, NW Galwey, C Francks, R Upmanyu, XQ Kong, ...
Molecular psychiatry 15 (6), 589-601, 2010
A genome-wide association study of neuroticism in a population-based sample
FCF Calboli, F Tozzi, NW Galwey, A Antoniades, V Mooser, M Preisig, ...
PloS one 5 (7), e11504, 2010
A virtual emergency telemedicine serious game in medical training: a quantitative, professional feedback-informed evaluation study
I Nicolaidou, A Antoniades, R Constantinou, C Marangos, E Kyriacou, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 17 (6), e150, 2015
Colon cancer: from epidemiology to prevention
K Katsaounou, E Nicolaou, P Vogazianos, C Brown, M Stavrou, S Teloni, ...
Metabolites 12 (6), 499, 2022
Intelligent deception detection through machine based interviewing
J O’Shea, K Crockett, W Khan, P Kindynis, A Antoniades, G Boultadakis
2018 International joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2018
High throughput sequencing technologies as a new toolbox for deep analysis, characterization and potentially authentication of protection designation of origin cheeses?
E Kamilari, M Tomazou, A Antoniades, D Tsaltas
International Journal of Food Science 2019 (1), 5837301, 2019
eHealth interventions for anxiety management targeting young children and adolescents: exploratory review
F Tozzi, I Nicolaidou, A Galani, A Antoniades
JMIR pediatrics and parenting 1 (1), e7248, 2018
Exercise and occupational stress among firefighters
ES Soteriades, P Vogazianos, F Tozzi, A Antoniades, EC Economidou, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (9), 4986, 2022
A gamified app on emotion recognition and anger management for pre-school children
I Nicolaidou, F Tozzi, A Antoniades
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 31, 100449, 2022
Type 2 Diabetes Susceptibility in the Greek-Cypriot Population: Replication of Associations with TCF7L2, FTO, HHEX, SLC30A8 and IGF2BP2 Polymorphisms
C Votsi, C Toufexis, K Michailidou, A Antoniades, N Skordis, M Karaolis, ...
Genes 8 (1), 16, 2017
PETTLEP imagery and tennis service performance: An applied investigation
N Cherappurath, M Elayaraja, DA Kabeer, A Anjum, P Vogazianos, ...
Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity 15 (1), 20190013, 2020
Nature and consequences of biological reductionism for the immunological study of infectious diseases
AL Rivas, G Leitner, MD Jankowski, AL Hoogesteijn, MJ Iandiorio, ...
Frontiers in immunology 8, 612, 2017
Privacy preserving data publishing of categorical data through k‐anonymity and feature selection
A Aristodimou, A Antoniades, CS Pattichis
Healthcare technology letters 3 (1), 16-21, 2016
Bifidobacterium Is Enriched in Gut Microbiome of Kashmiri Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
S Hassan, MA Kaakinen, H Draisma, L Zudina, MA Ganie, A Rashid, ...
Genes 13 (2), 379, 2022
Impulsive behaviors and clinical outcomes following a flexible intensive inpatient treatment for eating disorders: findings from an observational study
P Todisco, P Meneguzzo, A Garolla, A Antoniades, P Vogazianos, F Tozzi
Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity 26, 869-877, 2021
Intestinal microbiome analysis demonstrates azithromycin post-treatment effects improve when combined with lactulose
E Nikolaou, E Kamilari, D Savkov, A Sergeev, I Zakharova, P Vogazianos, ...
World Journal of Pediatrics 16, 168-176, 2020
Linked2Safety: A secure linked data medical information space for semantically-interconnecting EHRs advancing patients' safety in medical research
A Antoniades, C Georgousopoulos, N Forgo, A Aristodimou, F Tozzi, ...
2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Bioinformatics & Bioengineering …, 2012
A systematic review of miRNAs as biomarkers for chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity in breast cancer patients reveals potentially clinically informative panels as well as key …
C Brown, M Mantzaris, E Nicolaou, G Karanasiou, E Papageorgiou, ...
Cardio-Oncology 8 (1), 16, 2022
A bayesian association rule mining algorithm
D Tian, A Gledson, A Antoniades, A Aristodimou, N Dimitrios, R Sahay, ...
2013 IEEE international conference on systems, man, and cybernetics, 3258-3264, 2013
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