Agustín A. Sánchez de la Nieta
Agustín A. Sánchez de la Nieta
Depart. Ingeniería; Universidad Loyola Andalucía
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Cited by
Optimal coordinated wind-hydro bidding strategies in day-ahead markets
AAS de la Nieta, J Contreras, JI Muñoz
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (2), 798-809, 2012
Optimal investment portfolio in renewable energy: The Spanish case
JI Muñoz, AAS de la Nieta, J Contreras, JL Bernal-Agustín
Energy Policy 37 (12), 5273-5284, 2009
Risk-constrained offering strategy for aggregated hybrid power plant including wind power producer and demand response provider
J Aghaei, M Barani, M Shafie-Khah, AAS De La Nieta, JPS Catalão
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 7 (2), 513-525, 2015
Optimal single wind hydro-pump storage bidding in day-ahead markets including bilateral contracts
AAS de la Nieta, J Contreras, JPS Catalao
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 7 (3), 1284-1294, 2016
Modeling the impact of a wind power producer as a price-maker
AAS de la Nieta, J Contreras, JI Muñoz, M O'Malley
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 29 (6), 2723-2732, 2014
Robust dynamic transmission and renewable generation expansion planning: walking towards sustainable systems
C Roldán, AAS de la Nieta, R García-Bertrand, R Mínguez
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 96, 52-63, 2018
Optimal bidding of a group of wind farms in day-ahead markets through an external agent
V Guerrero-Mestre, AAS de la Nieta, J Contreras, JPS Catalao
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (4), 2688-2700, 2015
Integrated transmission and distribution system expansion planning under uncertainty
G Muñoz-Delgado, J Contreras, JM Arroyo, AS De La Nieta, M Gibescu
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (5), 4113-4125, 2021
Impacts of stochastic wind power and storage participation on economic dispatch in distribution systems
AW Bizuayehu, AAS de la Nieta, J Contreras, JPS Catalao
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 7 (3), 1336-1345, 2016
Participation of photovoltaic power producers in short-term electricity markets based on rescheduling and risk-hedging mapping
AAS de la Nieta, NG Paterakis, M Gibescu
Applied Energy 266, 114741, 2020
Portfolio decision of short-term electricity forecasted prices through stochastic programming
AA Sánchez de la Nieta, V González, J Contreras
Energies 9 (12), 1069, 2016
ECOTOOL: a general MATLAB forecasting toolbox with applications to electricity markets
DJ Pedregal, J Contreras, AAS de la Nieta
Handbook of networks in power systems I, 151-171, 2012
Quantifying the effect of renewable generation on day–ahead electricity market prices: The Spanish case
AAS de la Nieta, J Contreras
Energy Economics 90, 104841, 2020
Effect of risk aversion on reserve procurement with flexible demand side resources from the ISO point of view
NG Paterakis, AAS de la Nieta, AG Bakirtzis, J Contreras, JPS Catalao
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 8 (3), 1040-1050, 2016
Optimal wind reversible hydro offering strategies for midterm planning
AAS de la Nieta, J Contreras, JI Muoz, JPS Catalo
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 6 (4), 1356-1366, 2015
Day-ahead scheduling in a local electricity market
AAS de la Nieta, M Gibescu
2019 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST …, 2019
Local economic dispatch with local renewable generation and flexible load management
AAS De La Nieta, M Gibescu, X Wang, M Song, E Jensen, A Saleem, ...
2018 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST …, 2018
Optimising microgrid energy management: Leveraging flexible storage systems and full integration of renewable energy sources
C Álvarez-Arroyo, S Vergine, AS de la Nieta, L Alvarado-Barrios, ...
Renewable Energy, 120701, 2024
Optimal self-scheduling of a wind power producer in energy and ancillary services markets using a multi-stage stochastic programming
M Shafie-khah, AAS de la Nieta, JPS Catalão, E Heydarian-Forushani
2014 Smart Grid Conference (SGC), 1-5, 2014
Optimal midterm peak shaving cost in an electricity management system using behind customers’ smart meter configuration
AAS de la Nieta, I Ilieva, M Gibescu, B Bremdal, S Simonsen, E Gramme
Applied Energy 283, 116282, 2021
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Articles 1–20